Sunday, June 15, 2008

Another Tribute to Dads

Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there in Musings-Land (especially my own, whom I'll actually get to see in a few days when he and Mom visit later in the week). Dads may get the short end of the stick in the phone call department, but their contributions can't be understated.

I certainly had my share of classic father-son moments as a kid (many of them involving baseball games), but I also treasure the interaction we have now, as he's moved on to the role of trusted advisor. The "parenting" may have stopped a long time ago, but the mentoring that replaced it has proven equally as valuable. It may seem as though I'm waiting a long time to become a father myself, but I won't be lacking for a role model. I hope that all of you out there are so lucky; if your father's still around, call him. Now. (And not collect; does anyone even do that anymore?)

Worth repeating: The tribute to Dads by Tony Woodlief that I linked to and excerpted last year bears another mention. And as a bonus, here's a Lessons From My Father interview with Frank Sinatra, Jr.; longtime readers may recall that the Chairman of the Board was the subject of a very weird dream I had a few years back. (Others in the Lessons From My Father series, linked at the end of the story, include the sons of Johnny Cash, Billy Graham, and President Ford.)

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