Thursday, March 25, 2004

My cellphone is possessed by the devil...

Somehow today, when I got my phone out of my pocket, the display was both upside down and backwards, and it wouldn't change. When it vibrated, it wouldn't let me answer, either...weird.

It's also had some recent incidents where the display would suddenly just fade to grey and disappear. I just hope it makes it till fall, when the current two years on my contract are up and I qualify for another freebie. I just wish I had a digital camera so I could've taken a picture of it, as the only witnesses were Matt the drummer from Combo Too and the standing broad jump lady in the faculty office.

(UPDATE: It did in fact go back to normal when I turned it off and back easy exorcism, if you ask me.)

OOPS: I also wish I had a digital camera yesterday, so I could've gotten a picture of the sign at one of my middle schools that was advertising a week in April as PUBIC SCHOOL WEEK.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: "It's always better when you don't know who you are."--Woody, discussing people with Alzheimer's, but also applying it to the painkillers you get after having your wisdom teeth out.

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