Saturday, January 12, 2008

Blowing Out Lots of Candles in Lots of Places

Happy birthday to (takes deep breath)...
  • My protege and bandmate Aaron, with whom I'll be celebrating at least once, maybe twice today.

  • A former protege, Doug, whom I haven't seen in a while, but, if memory serves, is celebrating his first birthday as a married man (and by that, of course, I mean that it's his first birthday since getting married, not that he's one year old and has already tied the knot).

  • Two titans of talk radio, Rush Limbaugh and Howard Stern.

  • And, last but certainly not least, one of my favorite bloggers, Ann Althouse, who has a request from her readers: She wants links for her birthday. And no, I don't mean that we're supposed to mail sausages to Madison or Brooklyn, but rather that she wants us to pick our favorite post on her blog from the past year and link to it today. That may take a bit of digging over here, so I'll come back and do that as an update just below.

Let them me eat be cake: I bet that none of the birthday boys or girl mentioned above will do something like this today, but just up the road in Allen, a recent bride had a wedding cake that was a full-sized likeness of herself made for her ceremony. (Pictures at the link, of course.)

These two shared a birthday, but they probably wish they didn't: A man and woman in Britain got married and then found out that they were fraternal twins separated at birth and raised by different families without knowing of the existence of the other. (The marriage was later annulled.)

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