Saturday, September 30, 2006

Old One-Thousandth

According to Blogger, this is the one-thousandth post to The Musings of Kev. That's not bad for only having blogged since April of '03 and not necessarily posting every day. Lately, it's been a challenge to finish a post at the same time I start it, but with the demise of two of my favorite game sites this morning (they live on only as search engines), I should have time to do my posts in the morning now.

At any rate, thank you to those of you who visit regularly. I'm just one guy spouting out opinions and what-not, but I hope I've created a blog that's worthy of your time.

Only a slight overreaction: What would you do if your neighbor's kids broke your wife's eyeglasses? I'd imagine that trying to bomb their house wouldn't be high up on the list.

Spritz on a plane? A rather bizarre confrontation took place between two airline passengers on a flight to Miami this week--one man sprayed the guy next to him with perfume (he had earlier poured a glass of water on his own head). It adds to the exotic factor to know that the sprayer is an older Japanese man and the sprayee is a jockey.

1 comment:

Shawn said...

Man. That's insane. Congrats though on it. That must be cool to look at when you log in. I couldn't write about 1000 things and them all be interesting; then again I can't be satisfied with what I write long enough to keep it there. Hmmm . . .