Saturday, June 09, 2007

Here's the Buzz

As I mentioned about a month ago, one of my favorite columnists, James Lileks, lost his column at the Minneapolis Star-Tribune. He had to sit on pins and needles for the better part of the past four weeks to find out whether he would still have a job at the paper at all (or, as the running joke went, whether or not he has a bucket), but news came out eariier in the week, and it's good: Lileks has the job of "chief blogger" (or something like that) at a new site called Having read through the first few days of it, it's not by any means just for Minnesotans; think of it as a slightly more family-friendly Dave Barry's Blog where the proprietor contributes a lot more original content. It's the closest thing we'll get to All Lileks, All the Time.

Congrats, James, on your bucket, and I look forward to many hours of great reading.

Fun fact of the day: In the United Kingdom, 855,000 mobile phones are accidentally dropped in the toilet in an average year.

More toilet humor: A Nebraska mom was ticketed recently after she drove seven kids to a teacher's house to toilet-paper it.

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