Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I Don't Believe in Astrology, But... horoscope really nailed it today:
GEMINI (May 21-June 21): Again, you're overloaded. The end should be almost in sight. (source)
That pretty much described my day today. I've been feeling burned out with my nonstop teaching schedule as well as fighting the beast of seasonal allergies, and I really wasn't sure I'd make it through afternoon lessons today. (I even tried to get a long-empty prescription refilled today, only to find out that my allergy doctor's office is closed on Wednesday. Wow...they still do that? I thought the whole closed-on-Wednesday thing had gone the way of house calls. Next, they'll be telling me that the doctor still uses that day off to play golf...)

In the end, it was one forgotten lesson that perked me up; it was the first week of no Wednesday marching band at this particular school, and one kid didn't remember to stay. The little break that ensued, between that school and the two lessons at my house, was enough to carry me through the rest of the teaching day, and taking the evening off--to eat dinner at home, watch TV, even nap a little--seems to be just what the doctor ordered. Musician, heal thyself.

And, like the horoscope said, the end is in sight, in a way; with the start of the second trimester next week, for those schools who observe that format, I have the chance to shuffle some things around so that Wednesday afternoons aren't such a beating for the rest of the year. A solid night of sleep tonight should help the short-term concerns, and maybe I can get caught up on all my "office stuff" in the next few days.

I have a gig this weekend...I think. The venue owner hasn't returned my email asking for a confirmation of the time, but I'll clear that up tomorrow no matter what. Once it's confirmed, the sidebar will be updated and festive flyers will go up; if something causes it to fall through, I'll be looking for another date (or even another venue for the same date--that'd be wild). Should be fun, at any rate.

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