Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Year in Blogging

I don't normally do any sort of year-end wrap-up, but I got the idea from Althouse to do a sort of year in the life of the blog post, wherein I list what I consider to be either the most noteworthy or at least my favorite post from every month. Like Althouse, I may not do this all at once, but I'll at least get started now...

JANUARY: Bureaucrap
FEBRUARY: This Car Would Really "Whiz" Along
MARCH: I'm Giving Them a Dressing-Down for This One
APRIL: Umm, Yeah, I Think Somebody Made a Mistake Here
MAY: Anniversary in Rhythm
JUNE: Remembering Tasha
JULY: Flora and Fauna 101
AUGUST: Too Young to LIsten?
SEPTEMBER: One Final Trip to Birdland*
OCTOBER: Survey Says...Who Cares?
NOVEMBER: Art Imitates Life?
DECEMBER: A New-School Idea

*I had to pick this one, since it's become the most-read post in the history of the blog.

And while I may not do any reviews of the year itself, I'll steer you towards my betters: Here's Dave Barry's Year in Review and James Lileks' predictions for 2007.