Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Truly Olympian Effort

What more can be said? Michael Phelps is a beast.

Sure, tonight's effort wasn't the nail-biter that last night's was, but it was still a most impressive showing, especially when Phelps got his team out in front by the end of his butterfly leg (and then "closer" Jason Lezak brought it all home with a masterful freestyle performance).

Last week, on the opening day of the Olympics, I predicted that I'd watch "some" of the coverage, but the dominance of Phelps has drawn me in, to the point where the presence of a TV showing the Games, and an unobstructed view of said TV, actually dictated where we ate dinner tonight. Seriously; the first place we went only had one TV, and it was tuned to the (fairly dismal, as it would turn out) preseason Cowboys game. Tonight, when history was being made, that would not suffice.

Did you watch last night's shining moment?

(And last night also reminded me that I have yet to swim in a pool this year. This must change soon...)

And one for the ladies: I'd also like to give a shout-out to Dara Torres, whom I got to watch for the first time last night. She missed gold by ever-so-little, but I was nonetheless quite impressed by a 41-year-old--who's had a kid already--performing in a demanding athletic event at such a high level.

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