Monday, May 05, 2008

Oh, My Stars!

OK, fellow Metroplexites, 'fess up: How many of you stayed up late last night to watch the end of the Stars game? (Yes, you can count me among them.)

Granted, it was a game with a great outcome, well worth staying up to watch since it sends the Stars to the Western Conference Finals in a few days. Still, I wonder how many people will be wandering around work, zombie-style, because of that game today.

Feliz en su lengua materna, otra vez: Hace un número de años, escribí un poste del blog enteramente en español en el honor del día de fiesta de Cinco de Mayo. Hice esto no usando mis habilidades españolas de la High School secundaria, sino algo mecanografiándolo en inglés en el Babelfish y copiando lo que salió. Esperanzadamente usted conseguirá una cierta diversión de esto copiando y pegando este texto en el Babelfish otra vez. ¿(e impar que mis escuelas estaban en la sesión hoy, pero, según Lileks, las escuelas en Minnesota tenía un día de fiesta hoy?)

(The above was written in English and translated into Spanish using the AltaVista Babelfish. If you're in need of short-term amusement, copy the text below and, using the Babelfish again, re-translate it into English and see how messed up it comes out...)

Blowing out the candles: Happy birthday to Gordon, the "assistant coach" of my evening combo, as well as to my longtime student Andrew, who gets to shed the state curfew today.

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