I'd been debating iPhone vs. BlackBerry a while ago, and, while the keyboard of the latter sounded nice, the iPhone's far superior browser display, access to wi-fi when needed, and overall cool factor made it win out in the end. Plus, I was already with the proper carrier and long past due for an upgrade. Having gotten a little bonus money recently, it was time for a Christmas present to myself this year.
I'm sure it will take me a while to figure out all the different functions of this device. I've already figured out most of what I need to know for texting (although I had some righteous typos while getting used to the touch-screen keyboard), but I haven't set up email yet. The iPod portion will likely be filled with a mix of my favorite tunes and some teaching aids, as I'm now one gadget away (either a Y-cord or a small, durable docking device, respectively) from being able to have access to play-alongs at the college and the schools for the first time since my boom box bit the dust. And I have yet to even visit the App Store; that'll be a fun, productive time-waster, I'm sure.
I wanted to go back to Southlake after my early-evening event to try another picture out there at night, when the area is festooned in Christmas lights, but I'll have to save that for later. (The camera is not anywhere near the quality of my Canon, of course, but from these first few pictures, it appears to be a little better than the ones from the RAZR.)
This is a light teaching week ahead with the college on break, but I have a feeling my new "toy" will consume a bit of my free time for the next few days, as I figure out the ins and outs of it.
Brrrrr: What's with the 30-degree temperature drop during the time of the Cowboys game? I have a feeling that tomorrow won't be anything like today was.
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