Sunday, May 21, 2006

This Might Be My Lamest Reason Ever for Not Doing an Actual Blog Post

When I got home tonight (after being gone for over 13 hours), I had to watch enough TV to clear two hours' worth of space on the tape to catch the 24 finale tomorrow night. (Yeah, I need a TiVo, but let me get the new laptop first...and the iPod...and get the idea.)

Throwing caps into the air: Happy graduation to Colin (I was there). My alma mater awaits him...


Shawn said...

Can you FF? That's great about Colin's graduation, unfortunately I have to wait a week after school is out to graduate (tonight).

James said...

AAARRRGGHH!! you get the season finale of 24 before it's even started over here?! :( Oh i'm going to cry.