Wednesday, February 22, 2006

No, I Haven't Fallen Off the Face of the Earth...'s just been a rather busy past few days, getting everyone ready for solo and ensemble and things like that. But don't worry, I have two new posts in the pipe, and I'll try to get them completed tomorrow. But in the meantime, here's some weirdness for the week...

I'm not sure about hopping or jumping, but these kids have skipping down: A middle school gym teacher in Pensacola, Florida was busted recently for accepting bribes from his students to skip class. He allegedly made over $200 in the scam, but the actual total may have been much higher.

Headline of the day: Homeless Man Tries to Steal Sheep. Somehow he didn't think he'd arouse any suspicion when he walked out of the Little Rock Zoo carrying the sheep in a trash can.

Gross story of the day: A Bavarian village was flooded by liquid pig manure when a tank containing the sewage burst.

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