Saturday, January 01, 2005

Cross-Continental Cultural Capers

Anyone who's read this site for a while has seen the interesting comments from James, a fellow blogger who's from Australia. A lot of the way we do things in our respective countries, and especially the terms used to describe things, are really entertaining when compared to each other. Well, the other day, James, having only a half-day of work, sat down and created a site just for those exchanges with both of us as co-bloggers. So I draw your attention to American Australian Fun; it's still in its fledgling stages, but I'm sure it'll have lots of funny--and some serious--stuff as time goes by. (I haven't done my first post yet, but--seeing as how he titled his first one with the stereotypical "G'day," I suppose my first one will be called "Howdy." Heh.)

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