Friday, September 10, 2004


I'm sure this happens in most groups of close friends: One person does something, the others follow shortly thereafter. It's not really a copycat thing; it's more like one person does something new and encourages the others to join him, or maybe the others say, "Hey, that's cool...I wanna be involved." Bowling, blogging,'s happened a lot in the past several years.

But nothing could prepare me for the news that Dingus has now had my exact same wreck. That's right, he got rear-ended by a soccer mom at a stoplight, just like I did before spring break. As was the case with me, he wasn't hurt. I just hope his soccer mom has paid-up insurance...

(UPDATE: Something occurred to me after rereading DIngus's post: He was on Jupiter when he had his wreck, while I was at an intersection with Mars. Weird...)

Fall ball: Went to the Rangers game with Miles tonight. It was a beautiful fall evening, and our team won 10-3 and looked good doing so. There may yet be hope...We also reaped the benefits of it being a Friday night, as a lot of the potential crowd was off watching high school football. *laughs and points at those who are still involved with marching band* We got to sit right behind the plate (OK, on the third level, but still) and take it all in.

This has been a tiring week. It's not quite midnight but I'm on my way to bed soon, as I need at least one quality night of sleep this weekend. The first UNT home football game is tomorrow, so I want to have some energy back by then.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: "A Mini Cooper was rear-ended by a pickup truck, which was rear-ended by an old Ford now the Mini Cooper is a Mini Mini Cooper."--Max Miller, KRLD traffic reporter, describing a wreck that, fortunately, wasn't anywhere near my route to the Rangers game.


Kev said...

Yeah, I'll be there with Halfling and Angie.

Kev said...

...and I hope you never join our "club" either, but ya gotta admit, a confrontation between a Soccer-Mom-Mobile and the G-box would be at least mildly entertaining...

Kev said...

Also, it's not like Dingus or I joined the REBASM Club of our own accord (or Civic, lol). The club pretty much recruits you whether you want to join or not, sorta like a gang, or the Mafia.

Kev said...

I dunno; I'd have to gain about 300 pounds and work a lot on my Marlon Brando impression... ;-)